

Thanks for taking the time to try out Tautulli. Hope you find it useful.

Tautulli requires a permanent internet connection to ensure a reliable experience.

This wizard will help you get set up, to continue press Next.


Please setup an admin username and password for Tautulli.

Plex Account

Tautulli requires a Plex.tv account. Click the button below to sign in on Plex.tv. You may need to allow popups in your browser.

Plex Media Server

Select your Plex Media Server from the dropdown menu or enter an IP address or hostname.


Activity Logging

Tautulli will keep a history of all streaming activity on your Plex server.

The interval (in seconds) an item must be in a playing state before logging it. 0 to disable.

Additional options to disable history logging for certain libraries or users can be found by editing them on the Libraries or Users pages.


Tautulli can send a wide variety of notifications to alert you of activity on your Plex server.

To set up a notification agent, navigate to the Settings page and to the Notification Agents tab after you have completed this setup wizard.

Database Import

If you have an existing Tautulli, PlexWatch, or Plexivity database, you can import the data into Tautulli.

To import a database, navigate to the Settings page and to the Import & Backups tab after you have completed this setup wizard.

Setup Complete!

Setup is now complete. For more configuration options please visit the Settings menu on the home page.

 Waiting 5 seconds to ensure authentication token is registered...